
Minggu, 08 November 2015

membuat website DW Cs6

Cara Membuat Website dengan Dreamweaver cs6
Cara Membuat Website dengan Dreamweaver cs6
hal pertama yang harus anda lakukan adalah menyiapkan bahan-bahan sebagai berikut

download xampp
download template
download Dreamweaver cs6(ini yang penting) cari di google yah :)

Setelah 2 bahan tersebut sudah diinstall dan sudah di extract telah terpenuhi maka selanjutnya akan ada folder hasil instal wampp maka klik xampp->htdocs->buah New Folder(websiteku).
Kemudian Hasil extrakan Template yang tadi di download hanya kita gunakan folder Images nya saja..
cari hasil extrackan template copy file images ke dalam folder xampp->htdocs->folder baru yang anda buat(taro disitu).

kita langsung menuju ke tutorialnya cekidot
Buka Dreamweaver cs6 lalu pilih PHP
lalu save di xampp->htdocs->buah New Folder(websiteku) dan beri nama index.php
lalu buat file baru klik CTRL-N pilih Blank page terus klik CSS
save di tempat yang sama dengan nama style.css.
Lalu klik toolbar indek.php dan copy kan script di bawah ini:

<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

script ini berguna untuk menghubungkan indeks.php dan style.css

Sekarang waktunya untuk membuat body website
dalam menu index.php klik new css rule

Selector Type : Compound(based on your selection)
Selector : body
Define in : style.css

Maka akan muncul setting body
Font family: itu terserah kalian(kalo di tutorial ini saya pake COMIC SANS MS)
Font size= 13 pixel

Pada colom Background = #CCC
dan pada BOX= width 900 pixel klik apply dan ok kemudian save
(kalo kurang jelas perbesar gambar)

Nah Langkah Berikutnya kita Mengatur warna Font, ukuran dan style link default
Klik New Css Rule Kemudian
Selector Type : Compound(based on your selection)
Selector : a
Define in : style.css
Setelah muncul CSS Rule Definition for a in style.css, isikan pengaturannya sebagai berikut :
Color : #6000ff
Pada Decoration centang None
Jika sudah klik apply dan ok.(save)

Selanjutnya kita akan mengatur css link pada saat hover atau pada saat cursor berada di atas link. Klik kembali icon New CSS Rule, isi pengaturannya sebagai berikut :
Selector Type : Compound(based on your selection)
Selector : a:hover
Define in : style.css
Setelah muncul CSS Rule Definition for a in style.css, isikan pengaturannya sebagai berikut :

Pada Decoration centang Underline
Jika anda ingin mengubah warna link pada saat hover klik icon kotak yang ada di sebelah tulisan color, kemudian pilih warnanya.
Jika sudah klik apply dan  ok kemudian save lagi.

Nah kawan CB sekarang kita akan membuat Header Web
Setelah tadi kita mengatur bagian body dan link website, sekarang saatnya mengatur bagian header dari website.
Pilih file index.php, kemudian copy script berikut dan letakkan di bawah tag <body>

<div id="header"></div>

Sekarang kita akan mengatur CSS untuk headernya, caranya sih hampir sama seperti mengatur CSS pada body. Klik icon New CSS Rule, isi pengaturannya sebagai berikut :

Selector Type : Compound(based on your selection)
Selector : #header
Define in : style.css
Setelah muncul CSS Rule Definition for #header in style.css, isikan pengaturannya sebagai berikut:
Size : 12 pixel
Color : #FFFFFF

Background image : klik browse pilih header.jpg dalam folder images yang tadi di extarc yah
Repeat : no-repeat

Box :
Width : 860 pixel
Float : Left
Height : 110 pixel
Padding : centang same for all, kemudian isikan 20 pixel
kalo sudah klik apply dan ok.. Kemudian Save

Lalu kita akan memasukkan logo website dan deskripsi website kedalam header, caranya klik cursor anda setelah <div id=”header”> kemudian klik insert = > image = > logo.jpg

Usahakan logo yang anda buat tingginya / weight tidak lebih dari 80pixel, jika logo anda melebihi dari 80 pixel, anda dapat merubah ukurannya dengan cara :

melalui Design View, klik gambar logo anda kemudian pada panel Property yang secara default berada di bagian bawah, pada H / Height isikan 80

Pada Panel Property, pada Link klik icon folder yang ada di

Sabtu, 07 November 2015

warna warni bloger

#PopularPosts1 ul li a {-webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;  color: #333333; display: block; font-family: Arial, 'Comic San MS', Times, serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 18px; margin: 0px 40px 0px 0px; min-height: 30px; orphans: 2; padding: 0px; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-decoration: none !important; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;}

#PopularPosts1 ul li .item-thumbnail{float:left;border:0;margin-right:10px;background:transparent;padding:0;width:51px;height:35px}

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child:after,

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li:after,

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li:after,

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li:after,

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li:after,

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li:after,

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li:after,

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after,

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after,

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{position:absolute;top:10px;right:5px;border-radius:50%;border:2px solid #ccc;background:#353535;-webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 5px #000;-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000;width:30px;height:30px;line-height:1em;text-align:center;font-size:28px;color:#fff}

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li {background:#DF01D7;width:90%}

#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:"8"}

Jumat, 06 November 2015

cara install prestashop buat website

Cara Install Prestashop di Localhost
Untuk membuat website ecommerce menggunakan prestashop, langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah mendownload prestashop kemudian menginstallnya kedalam direktori xampp Anda.

Cara menginstall prestashop di Localhost

1. Download Prestashop disini http://www.prestashop.com/en/download , kemudian extract file tersebut kedalam direktori c:\xampp\htdocs.

2. Untuk menginstall prestashop, terlebih dahulu kita harus sudah menginstall xampp/apache.

3. Extract Prestashop yang telah di Download pada htdocs. Keluarkan semua file dari folder Prestashop.

4. Ubah nama file prestahop_1.5.6.0 menjadi prestashop.

5. Selanjutnya kita akan membuat database prestashop. Nyalakan XAMPP Control panel, buka browser Anda, ketik localhost/phpmyadmin/

6. Pilih Database » Ketik nama database prestashop » Pilih Create

7. Install Prestashop dengan mengakses pada address bar http://localhost/prestashop/install

8. Pilih bahasa yang diinginkan Klik » Next.

9. Pada bagian Licenses Agreement berisi tentang informasi Licensi. Centang “I agree to the above terms and conditions”. Pilih » Next

10. Lakukan pengisian data pada bagian Store Information, kemudian pilih next.

11. Selanjutnya, setting pada bagian System Configuration. Untuk bagian Informasi Store dan Account.

Shop name                    : Masukan nama untuk toko online anda
Main Activity               : Pilih aktivitas toko yang anda inginkan
Country                         : Pilih Indonesia
Shop timezone             : Pilih Asia/Jakarta

First name              : Masukan nama depan anda
Last name               : Masukan nama belakang anda
E-mail address      : Email yang digunakan untuk login ke administrator
Shop password : Password yang digunakan untuk login ke administrator
          ( berupa alpanumerik dan minimal 8 karakter )
Re-type to confirm : Masukan kembali password
Klik Next

12. Secara otomatis akan muncul tampilan konfigurasi database seperti gambar dibawah ini. Pilih Test your database connection now! Jika sudah berhasil klik Next.

13. Prestashop berhasil terinstall. Kemudian hapus direktori “Install” pada localhost untuk keamanan database Anda.

Untuk membuat website ecommerce menggunakan prestashop, langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah mendownload prestashop kemudian menginstallnya kedalam direktori xampp Anda.

Cara menginstall prestashop di Localhost

1. Download Prestashop disini http://www.prestashop.com/en/download , kemudian extract file tersebut kedalam direktori c:\xampp\htdocs.

2. Untuk menginstall prestashop, terlebih dahulu kita harus sudah menginstall xampp/apache.

3. Extract Prestashop yang telah di Download pada htdocs. Keluarkan semua file dari folder Prestashop.

4. Ubah nama file prestahop_1.5.6.0 menjadi prestashop.

5. Selanjutnya kita akan membuat database prestashop. Nyalakan XAMPP Control panel, buka browser Anda, ketik localhost/phpmyadmin/

6. Pilih Database » Ketik nama database prestashop » Pilih Create

7. Install Prestashop dengan mengakses pada address bar http://localhost/prestashop/install

8. Pilih bahasa yang diinginkan Klik » Next.

9. Pada bagian Licenses Agreement berisi tentang informasi Licensi. Centang “I agree to the above terms and conditions”. Pilih » Next

10. Lakukan pengisian data pada bagian Store Information, kemudian pilih next.

11. Selanjutnya, setting pada bagian System Configuration. Untuk bagian Informasi Store dan Account.

Shop name                    : Masukan nama untuk toko online anda
Main Activity               : Pilih aktivitas toko yang anda inginkan
Country                         : Pilih Indonesia
Shop timezone             : Pilih Asia/Jakarta

First name              : Masukan nama depan anda
Last name               : Masukan nama belakang anda
E-mail address      : Email yang digunakan untuk login ke administrator
Shop password : Password yang digunakan untuk login ke administrator
          ( berupa alpanumerik dan minimal 8


A. Pengertian.
Modal Auxiliary itu kata kerja yang bertugas membantu kata kerja utama. Jadi Modal Auxiliary adalah kata kerja pembantu, dan kata kerja utama itu adalah “majikannya”.

*Contoh: I will explain about modal auxiliary. “Will” adalah kata kerja bantu yang bertugas membantu kata kerja utamanya yaitu “Explain”. Karena hanya pembantu, sehingga ketika dihilangkan tidak akan menjadi masalah. Tapi kalau kata kerja utamanya yang dihilangkan, maka kalimat tersebut akan kehilangan makna.

B. Contoh dan Fungsi Modal Auxiliary Verbs.
Berbicara tentang pekerjaan di masa depan,
*Contoh: I won’t (will not) be in the office until 11; I’ve got a meeting
Membuat semi formal permintaan,
*Contoh: Will you open the window, please? It’s very hot in here.

Untuk menawarkan sesuatu,
*Contoh: Shall I fetch you another glass of wine?
Membuat kalimat saran,
*Contoh:  Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

Menggambarkan pekerjaan yang mungkin terjadi. Bedanya May lebih memungkinkan terjadi (50% chance); sedangkan might lebih meragukan (mungkin hanya 30% chance).
*Contoh: She may be back in her office: the lecture finished ten minutes ago.
Menunjukkan persetujuan atau izin. Jadi biasa diterjemahkan dengan arti “boleh”.
*Contoh: You may go home now.

Bentuk past dari will.
*Contoh: He said the next meeting would be in a month’s time.
Permintaan tolong yang lebih halus dari “will”.
*Contoh: Would you like another cup of tea?

Berbicara tentang kemampuan.
*Contoh: Can you speak Mandarin? (present)
She could play the piano when she was five. (past)
Membuat permintaan,
*Contoh: Can you give me a ring at about 10?
Could you speak up a bit please? (slightly more formal, polite or ‘softer’)
Permohonan izin,
*Contoh: Can I ask you a question?
Could I ask you a personal question? (more formal, polite or indirect)
*Contoh:  If you want some help with your writing, you can come to classes, or you can get some 1:1 help.

Untuk menunjukkan sebuah kewajiban atau keharusan.
*Contoh: People must try to be more tolerant of each other.
Sugesti/saran/ajakan yang kuat.
*Contoh: I think you really must make more of an effort.
Menunjukkan arti “Pasti”.
*Contoh: This must be the place – there’s a white car parked outside (ini pasti tempat – ada mobil putih yang diparkir di luar). Jadi must di sini artinya bukan “harus”, tapi “pasti”.

Memberi Saran.
*Contoh: I think you should go for the Alfa rather than the Audi.
Kewajiban, tapi lebih lemah dari “must”.
*Contoh: The equipment should be inspected regularly. (Peralatan harus diperiksa secara rutin).
Seharusnya, tapi ga terjadi.
*Contoh: I should have renewed my TV licence last month, but I forgot.

Ought to punya makna yang sama dengan should, biasanya dipakai pada kalimat affirmative pada waktu present (saat ini).
Contoh: You should/ought to get your hair cut.

C. Catatan untuk Modal Auxiliary.

Tidak bisa diikuti oleh Modal yang lain. Jadi tidak boleh: I should can, kalau terpaksa, maka “can” harus diganti dengan “be able” sehingga menjadi: I should be able.
Tidak bisa berganti bentuk atau ditambahi, misalnya ditambahi “-s” atau “-ed”. Jadi tidak boleh: She cans (tetap she can sekalipun orang ketiga tunggal)
Selain Ought, modal auxiliary tidak boleh diikuti “to”. Jadi tidak boleh: You can to go, tapi harus: you can go.

Demikianlah penjelasan tentang Pengertian, Contoh dan Fungsi Modal Auxiliary Verbs. Like, twit atau komentar kamu adalah semangatku untuk terus memberikan materi bermanfaat lainnya. Terima kasih.

aktif pasif PART 2

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris Simpe Past Tense
Kalimat aktif:

We watched the Jurasic Park Movie on the cinema yesterday.
Kami menonton film Jurasic Park di bioskop kemarin.

Andri picked up Santi in her house at 19 o’clock last night.
Andi menjemput Santi di rumahnya jam 7 kemarin malam.

The governor built that monument year ago.
Gubernur membuat patung itu setahun yang lalau.

He studied Mathematic yesterday.
Dia belajar matematika kemarin.

Kalimat pasif:

The Jurasic Park Movie was watched by us yesterday.
Film Jurasic Park ditonton oleh kami di bioskop kemarin.

Santi was picked up by Andri in her house at 19 o’clock last night.
Santi dijemput oleh Andri di rumahnya jam 7 kemarin malam.

That monument was built by governor year ago.
Monument itu dibangun oleh gubernur setahun yang lalu.

The mathematic is studied by him yesterday.
Matematika dipelajari oleh dia kemarin.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris Past Perfect Tense
Kalimat aktif:

I had informed him the news before he went.
Aku telah menginformasikan dia berita itu sebelum dia pergi.

They had won the race after had hard work.
Mereka sudah memenangkan perlombaan setelah bekerja keras.

I had worried about my brother after he had gone.
aku telah khawatir dengan saudaraku setelah dia pergi.

I had written the letter to my village before I had come.
Aku telah menulis surat ke kampungku sebelum aku sudah datang.

Kalimat pasif:

He had been informed the news by me before he went.
Dia sudah diinformasikan tentang berita itu oleh saya sebelum ia pergi.

The race had been won by us after had hard work.
Perlombaan suadh dimenangkan oleh kita setelah bekerja keras.

My brother had been worried by me after he had gone.
Saudaraku telah dikhwatirkan oleh aku setelah dia pergi.

The letter had been written by me to my village before I had come.
Surat itu telah ditulis oleh aku untuk kampungku sebelum aku sudah datang.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris Past Continuous Tense
Kalimat aktif:

Dodo was asking me the question yesterday.
Dodo sedang bertanya kepadaku kemarin.

I was pulling the table yesterday at nine.
Aku sedang mendorong mejanya kemarin jam 9.

My father was driving me to my school yesterday in the morning.
Ayahku sedang mengantarkan aku kesekolah kemarin di pagi hari.

They were playing the ball together at noon yesterday.
Mereka sedang bermain bola bersama di siang hari kemarin.

I was fixing her computer when she came.
Aku sedang memperbaiki komputernya saat dia datang.

Denny was punching John right in his face when the teacher came.
Denny sedang meninju John tepat diwajahnya saat guru datang.

Kalimat pasif:

I was being asked the question by Dodo.
Aku sedang ditanya sebuah pertanyaan oleh Dodo.

The table was being pulled by me yesterday at nine.
Meja sedang ditarik olehku kemarin jam Sembilan.

I was being driven by my father to my school yesterday in the morning.
Aku diantar oleh ayahku ke sekolah kemarin di pagi hari.

The ball was being played by them together at noon yesterday.
Bola itu dimainkan oleh mereka bersama-sama di siang hari kemarin.

Her computer was being fixed by me when she came.
Komputernya sedang diperbaiki oleh ku saat dia datang.

John was being punched by Denny right in his face when the teacher came.
John sedang ditinju tepat diwajahnya saat guru datang.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Kalimat aktif:

I had been being watching the show for 2 hours.
Aku telah melihat pertunjukan itu selama 2 jam.

We had been waiting for him for 4 hours when he came.
Kami telah menunggunya selama 4 jam ketika dia datang.

We had been studying English for 2 hours when the bell rang.
Kami telah belajar bahasa inggris selama 2 jam ketika bel berbunyi

Jane had been lifting the suitcase for 20 minutes before I took.
Jane sudah mengangkat koper selama 2 menit sebelum aku mengambilnya.

By the time the teacher came, they had been reading the book.

aktif dan pasif

Present Tense
    Aktif : Tika read the history book of Indonesia.
    Pasif : The history book of Indonesia is read by Tika.

Present Continuous
    A : I am writing the new short story.
    P : The new short story is being written by Sarah

Present Perfect
    A : My father has fixed the car
    P : The car has been fixed by my father.

Present Perfect Continuous
    A : Danny has been doing the homework.
    P : The homework has been being done by Danny.

Past Tense
    A : We cleaned the room.
    P : The room was cleaned by us.

Past Continuous Tense
    A : They were watching the movie when she came.
    P : The movie was being watched by them when she came.

Past Perfect Tense
    A : Tika had listened the news before you told her.
    P : The news had been listened by Tika before you told her.

Past Perfect Continuous
    A : Evans had been preparing the schedule for two weeks.
    P : The schedule had been being prepared by Evan for two weeks.

Simple Future
    A : I will finish this job at 4.00 PM.
    P : This job will be finished by me at 4.00 PM.

Future Continuous
    A : They will be finishing the job at 4.00 PM.
    P : The job will be being finished at 4.00 PM.

Future Perfect
    A : They will have finished the job before 5.00 PM.
    P : The job will have been finished before 5.00 PM.

Future Perfect Continuous
    A : They will have been completed the job for six hours by the time it finished.
    P : The job will have been being completed for six hours by the time it finished.

Past Future
      A :  Andi and Ari would have watched that movie
      P : That movie would have been watched by them

Past Future Continuous
    A :  We would be cleaning the house
    P : The house would be being cleaned by us

Past Future Perfect
    A :  My cat had been eating your fish
    P : Your fish had been being eaten by my cat

Past Future Perfect Continuous
    A :  My wife would have been driving the car
    P : The car would have been being driven by my wife


Rumus Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Untuk para pembaca yang ingin belajar dan memahami rumus rumus tenses bahasa inggris, di bawah ini saya tuliskan rumus tenses bahasa inggris beserta contohnya, semoga bisa membantu kamu-kamu semua dalam belajar bahasa inggris.

Selamat Belajar!!!!!!



1. Simple Present Tense
Formula :
+ )        S + V1 + O/C
-)          S + Do/does + not + V1 + O/C
? )        Do/does + S + V1 + O/C

Example :
+ )        Sisca Reads book everyday
- )         Sisca does not Read book everyday
? )        does Sisca Read book everyday
·      Yes He does / No He does not (doesn’t)
·      For I, We, You, They = do
·      He, She, It = Does
Example Sentence :
(+) She is a new people here.
(-) She isn’t a new people here.
(?) Is she a new people here?

2. Present Continuous Tense
Formula :
+ )        S + Be + V1 + ing + O/C            >>           + } They are playing badminton now
- )         S + Be + not + V1 + ing + O/C   >>           – } They are not playing badminton now
? )        Be + S + V1 + ing + O/C            >>           ? } Are they playing badminton now ?
·      Yes They are / no they are not
·      For I = am
·      They, we, you = are
·      He, She, It = Is

Example Sentence :
(+) He is playing badminton now
(-) He isn’t playing badminton now.
(?) Is he playing badminton now.

3. Present Perfect Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb+main verb

Example :
(+) you have eaten mine.
(-) she has not been to Rome.
(?) have you finished?

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula :
(+) : S + have/has + been + Ving
(-) : S + have/has + not + been + Ving
(?) : Have/has + S + been + Ving

Example :
(+) She has been going to Malang since evening.
(-) She hasn’t been going to Malang since evening.
(?) Has she been going to Malang ?


5. Simple Past Tense
Formula :
+} S+Be+Was/Were+O/C
-} S+Be+Was/Were+not+O/C
?} Be+Was/Were+ S+O/C

Example :
+} We were at school yesterday
-} We were not at school yesterday
?} Were we at school yesterday ?
·      For I, He, She, It = Was
·      They, we, you = were

Example Sentence :
(+) I saw a good film last night
(-) I saw not a good film last night
(?) Saw I a good film last night

6. Past Continuous Tense
Formula :
(+) : S + was/were + Ving
(-) : S + was/were + NOT + Ving
(?) : Was/Were + S + Ving

Example :
(+) They were talking about sport when I met him.
(-) They weren’t talking about sport when I met him.
(?) Were they talking about sport when I met him.

7. Past Perfect Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb HAVE+main verb
(+) : S + had + V3
(-) : S + had + not + V3
(?) : Had + S + V3

Example :
(+) When my brother arrived , I had painted my motor cycle
(-) When my brother arrived , I hadn’t painted my motor cycle
(?) Had I my motor cycle , when my brother arrived ?

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb

Example :
(+) When they washed my drees , your father had been playing badminton
(-) When they washed my dress , your father hadn’t been playing badminton
(?) When they washed my dress , had your father been playing badminton ?


9. Simple Future Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+main verb

Example :
(+) President shall at Nederland the day after tomorrow.
(-) President shall not at Nederland the day after tomorrow.
(?) Shall President at Nederland the day after tomorrow?

10. Future Continuous Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb BE+main verb

Example :
(+) I will be writing a comic.
(-) I will not writing a comic.
(?) Will I be writing a comic ?

11. Future Perfect Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+main verb

Example :
(+) You will have forgotten me by then.
(-) We will not have left.
(?) Will they have received it?

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+a